Where Do Wedding Traditions Come From?
We all know that weddings are full of loads of tradition and ceremony. But, have you ever wondered where these wedding traditions come from? Who’s idea was it for a bride to wear a veil or for the engaged couple to not see each other until the wedding? What is the point of either?
The Origin of Bridal Veils
Well, veils have been essential wedding attire for millions of brides for centuries. Did you know that veils were supposed to be fashionable and functional? What is now just a beautiful accessory was once an essential part of a bride’s safety. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that a bride needed to wear a veil for her protection. It was believed that jealous witches and evil spirits would throw curses at her out of envy for her happiness. However, if the bride’s face was obscured by the veil, curses cast by unwelcome wedding crashers would not reach her.
Why Shouldn’t You See Your Fiancé Before The Wedding?
You probably already know the adage, “it’s bad luck to see your fiancé before the ceremony.” But, have you ever wondered why? I mean, it is not like you two do not know what each other look like already, right? Well back when arranged marriages were common, parents of the bride were afraid that if the couple met before marrying, the groom would not think the bride was attractive and would call off the wedding. Yikes!
For more fun facts about different wedding traditions like this and other great tips for your wedding, check out our links below!
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