Wenning’s Wedding Tip Wednesday
Creative Wedding Ideas
Every couple wants their wedding day to be special. Help your guests create some great memories for you during your many happy years together with a wedding guestbook alternative. Think outside of the box and have an extraordinary keepsake to look back on from your loved ones. Make your wedding day stand out by considering some of these creative wedding ideas!
Guestbook Alternatives
There are many alternatives as to what can be used for a guestbook for your upcoming wedding. Start thinking outside of the box. What items can go with your theme, décor and even personality? Find something meaningful to you and your fiancé that guests can sign and leave well wishes for your future together.
Whatever keepsake you chose will work perfectly and serve the purpose of recollection and appreciation each time you look at it. Below are just a few ideas of wedding guestbook alternative ideas. You can utilize any of these ideas with your guests well wishes, date night ideas or even words of advice. Some items will need more than a simple signature to preserve. If you find something you like, be sure to do a bit more research on how to ensure its longevity.
- Bench
- Polaroids
- Shadowbox
- Records
- “Tip” Jar
- Ornaments
- Quilt
- Wedding Mad Lib
- Art canvas (use wedding date or even creative thumbprint ideas)
- Puzzle (you can either keep the puzzle pieces in a jar or actually put the puzzle together and frame it)
- Jenga (have guests sign Jenga game pieces)
Check in with us next week for more creative wedding ideas you can add to enhance your Big Day!
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