Wenning’s Wedding Tip Wednesday
When it comes time to send out your thank you cards you want to be sure to add a few key elements to each card. We know how busy you are with finalizing details for your upcoming wedding so be sure to enlist your bridesmaids help to get everything done timely!
Creative Suggestions
There are soo many ways you can personalize your thank you cards. The most common way is to make sure you keep track of who gave what gifts and thank each guest personally for their gift. Handwritten thank you cards are always the best way to go. However, we understand how busy you are and your guests should too! Since handwritten thank you cards are not always an option, just be sure to include a nice note about the gift you received and how you plan on, or can’t wait to, use it!
Even if your guests decided to get you the most expensive items on your registry, don’t feel obligated to write them a novel. A simple handwritten card will always go a long way. Just the thought of receiving something handwritten is far more traditional than an email. Your guests are well aware of how much you have going on at this time. As long as they receive a thank you card they will appreciate your appreciation. Just remember, Keep It Simple Silly!
Try to get your thank you cards out sooner than later. If you wait too long you run into the wedding and then you have double the thank you cards to send out. Try to aim for 2-3 weeks after your bridal shower. And don’t forget to utilize any help you may be able to find. This way you won’t feel like writing out all of those cards as such a job but maybe a fun girls night in instead!
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