Wenning’s Wedding Tip Wednesday
Take in the Moments
After a couple makes it official and they are now married, they seem to forget to do something. What is it that they forget? Legalities, thank you cards, or payments to vendors? Nope, they forget to take in all the moments with one another!
Smell the Roses
Once it is official, make sure you and your significant other are taking time to reflect on the life changing decision you just made. Take as much time as needed to realize the level of commitment you just made to each other. For example, go on a hiking trip with one another to take in the beauty of nature and one another. This will help minimize any doubts and reassure you that you both made the right decision!
Prepare for Thanksgiving and Black Friday
Organize your plans with one another accordingly to ensure a smooth Thanksgiving Day! Develop a schedule for the day as far as what time and how long you will eat with one another’s side of the family. This will prevent any feelings from getting hurt, and also makes it seem like you both are on top of everything. Therefore, also have an idea of how you will take on Black Friday shopping together! Don’t miss out on deals that will help build areas of your lives together, such as a lawn mower, new furniture, and new vehicles. Make the first Black Friday together hard to beat in the future!
Consider the Future
Think about what both of you want in the future together. Do you want a pet or kids, perhaps both? Realize that no one but yourselves determine this, and decisions you take now will have an effect on things later in the marriage. Tell each other how you feel about this, and when you would consider to be the right time. The more honest you are with your feelings with one another, the more progress will be made!
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