Wenning’s Wedding Tip Wednesday
Pandemic Wedding
Are you not sure on how to proceed your wedding day? During this pandemic, guidelines and news change every day. This makes it hard to predict what is going to happen a few days from now. The key is to be prepared for every scenario in case guidelines do change before your wedding day. We are here to help you with some useful tips to have your special day safely during the pandemic.
Communicate, Communicate, Communicate.
You and your partner need to communicate to your venue, guests and vendors about updated information. Tomorrow could be a totally new day with new guidelines to follow. You and your partner could create a website, Facebook page group or group email list to easily update your venue, guests and vendors.
Small Weddings are OK
Every county and state is different regarding the amount of people that can attend certain events. The most that has been allowed is 250 people or less. Smaller weddings that include your family and close friends are okay. As long as you and your partner celebrate your special day with love and happiness, it doesn’t matter how many guest are there.
CDC Guidelines
Your venues and vendors are to follow the CDC guidelines that are in place at that time. In order to follow social distancing guideline, tables and guest must safely be spread out six feet apart from each other. Also keep in mind to let guest know that some venues are requiring masks to be worn in certain areas of the venue.
Plans have probably changed due to the pandemic regarding your caterer, hair and make-up stylist or even photographer/videographer. It is important to keep in touch with vendors regarding guidelines they have to follow and what is needed to be included like masks or sanitizing stations in order.
Please be respectful the to staff that is helping make your special day safe and enjoyable. They are doing their job by ensuring social distancing policies, that are already in place, to keep you and your loved ones safe and happy.
Check us out on Facebook, to learn more: https://www.facebook.com/wenningent/
To view our most recent blog post, click here: https://www.wenningent.com/downsizing-your-weddings-guest-list/
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