Wenning’s Wedding Tip Wednesday
Your marriage license is one of the most important documents you will need in order to get married. There are so many details and variables that go into obtaining your marriage documents. This month, we are going to focus on the where, when and how long of getting a marriage license for your upcoming Big Day!
Research State Requirements
Each state has different requirements in obtaining a marriage license. Most times you and your prospective spouse will have to appear together to sign the application. You both will need to provide a current ID, birth certificate as proof of age and sometimes a blood test. If you are under 18, you WILL need parental or court consent to wed. If you are widowed, you will need a death certificate and if you have recently been divorced you will need to show your divorce decree.
Destination Wedding Requirements
If you will be getting married in a different state or country then you reside, be sure to research that states marriage license laws. More research is always better than a lack of research. You don’t want to have any surprises or delays!
Be sure to stop back next week for more information on wedding paperwork and obtaining your marriage license!
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