Wenning’s Wedding Tip Wednesday
You must be new to the wedding scene, welcome! The first thing you need to know is what does RSVP even mean? Well, RSVP means répondez s’il vous plait, or respond if you will, in French. These are sent back to the bride and groom to confirm your acceptance or denial of the invitation that they sent you. There are some basics that you can find on all RSVPs, but how they come sometimes looks different.
The Basics of RSVPing
All RSVPs are set up, generally, in the same way:
- Include your first and last name and your plus one’s first and last name (or whoever will be coming with you).
- Your response, if you are happily accepting or regretfully declining
- The number of guests attending (weddings rely on head counts!).
- Your entrée selection, you want to eat right? Make sure to include your initials next to your selection along with your guest’s choice and initials so your meals don’t get mixed up!
- Respond to any special prompts the couple may give you- this could be song requests or anything else that the couple might ask of you.
- Follow the instructions the bride and groom gave you! This can include when to send the RSVP back, or if there is an alternative way to RSVP.
- Send those responses back ASAP (refer to the latter part of bullet #3)!
Types of RSVPs
There are many different forms of RSVPs. You have cards, invitations with no preprinted RSVP card, online, or even by email. Cards are the most popular type of RSVPs to send out. They come with your invitation, so make sure not to miss it! An important part of the RSVP card is the “M” line. The M line is designated to the first letter of your formal salutation (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss). There are also invitations that don’t come with RSVP cards and that’s okay, don’t be alarmed! Usually, the bride and groom include instructions on what you should do from there. For example, they might have a website to RSVP on.
RSVPing on a website sounds intimidating, but it’s the modern thing to do. The couple will provide you with the right URL to go to and you can access that on your preferred browser. Depending on which website the couple chooses to use, they generally have the same layout as the printed versions, so don’t sweat it! If this isn’t the option they chose either, then it may be sending your RSVP as an email.
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Click here to check out our most recent blog post: https://www.wenningent.com/5-ways-to-impress-your-wedding-guests/
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