Wenning’s Wedding Tip Wednesday
Grab a nice basket, tray, or decorated box and give your guests a little something extra with a hospitality basket! This idea is a great addition to your wedding reception. You want to be sure that the basket or tray you choose will not be too big for the counter space. If you can, find time to have a member of your bridal party take a peek just to be certain. The hospitality basket will be filled with a variety of often needed practical goodies. Once filled, your guests will have access to everything they think they may need to freshen up while celebrating with you on your Big Day.
What To Include
There is absolutely no need to over do it. Try to grab things from the travel-sized aisle to keep costs low and give you the perfect size item for your baskets. Most of the items in the men’s and women’s basket will be identical. Mints/gum, hand sanitizer, Tums, eye drops/contact solution, spray-on deodorant, floss picks, aspirin, stain removal stick and bug spray if you have any outdoor activities that evening. There are also a few additional items you will want to put in the women’s basket just because, let’s face it, woman always need a little extra something. Therefore, items such as light perfume, band-aids, body lotion, tampons/pads, bobby pins, and hairspray will be a great touch! The list of items to include could go on for days but do not over think this planning detail. Just include a few toiletries for your guests to use while they dance the night away with you!
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