Wenning’s Wedding Tip Wednesday
If you’re watching this you have decided that going to a bridal show is for you. Attending bridal shoes can be one of the best tools to use as a busy bride to plan out a wedding. However, before you go, set some priorities of what you are looking for and who you want to talk too. The end goal of going to a bridal show isn’t to talk to every vendor there. It is for you to specifically target what your needs are. Figure out what you want to accomplish at these shoes so you aren’t wondering around wasting your time as well as the vendors. Always do research to see who is going to be there and if they are worth visiting at their booth.
Plan to bring some major decision makers with you that can be trusted to help out, but don’t bring to many. One or two people is ideal. You may love your best friend, but if she’s going to be drinking bottomless mimosas the whole time, then it’s probably not a good idea to bring her. Bringing several people can be a great idea because you get insight from everyone, however, it’s still your final decision. They will also be able to help carry all the brochures and magazines that you will be receiving from vendors.
Tune in next week to hear our tips on what to do when you’re at the bridal show!
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