How To Prioritize The Elements of Your Wedding

It is hard to prioritize all of the different elements of your wedding.  It’s your special day and you want it to be perfect for you and all of your guests but you still have to adhere to a budget.  So, you are faced with the question: how do you prioritize? What do you invest money in and what do you cut?

What Do You Want To Invest In?

You are going to want to decide first what the most important elements of your wedding are.  Then, how much you want to invest your money into them. Ask yourself: “What will be the most memorable parts of my wedding?” The key is to spend your money into elements that will make your wedding memorable for you and your guests. 

What Will Make Your Wedding Memorable?

Between the vendors, the venue and the countless other expenses that go into planning your wedding, it all adds up very quickly.  What you want the most out of your wedding is for everyone to have a good time and to have great memories from your big day.  And we have to be realistic: no one but you is going to remember what exactly your flower arrangements looked like. 

Wedding guests always remember the same key points of any event: The food, the music, and if you have a drinking crowd, the bar.  10 years from now, no one will remember the placemats you spent $50 on per place setting. They will remember how good the food was, how fun the party was and how beautiful the space was.  So invest your money in those elements and have a great time that you and your loved ones will remember forever.


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When To Book Your Vendors

The wedding business is booming right now! Because of this past year of forced cancellations and postponements, this season has almost two years’ worth of weddings in one. It is fantastic that everyone is celebrating these special moments again! However, it has led to some logistical issues with venues and vendors.  

Why The Long Wait Times?

The higher volume of couples planning weddings and the nationwide employee shortage have made booking venues and vendors even more competitive than before. So if you are planning on getting married in 2022, start planning now!

How Far In Advance Should You Book Your Vendors?

Now, after the wedding boom, the line for vendors is longer than ever before. Currently, experts are recommending that you look to book your ceremony and reception venue up to 18-24 months in advance. For professional photographers and videographers, this time frame should be between 12-18 months. And be sure to be patient when it comes to receiving your wedding photos or videos since the editing process could take weeks or even months. And for your florist, catering, and DJ, try to book those at least 12 months in advance. 

It sounds crazy to book your vendors that far in advance but, these are crazy times after all. Every vendor and location is different. The best rule to go by for wedding planning this year is to book your venue and vendors that serve one specific purpose, like videographers, florists, etc., as soon as possible.

And do not forget: because of the spillover from last years’ cancelations and the current worker shortage, please be patient with your vendors and your venue.  They are here to help you make the most of your big day!

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Post-Pandemic Wedding Advice

Due to the pandemic, everyone has had to push many events back by months or, in some cases, years. But with more people getting vaccinated, we have seen a boom in weddings this season, and we do not predict that it will get any less busy any time soon. This increase in weddings has led to an overcrowding of this year’s fall and winter wedding season. So even though we know it is hard to wait, the best post-pandemic wedding advice we can give you is to please be patient with your wedding vendors and have realistic expectations for your wedding content.


You have heard about the lack of workers nowadays and how that is causing serious efficiency problems across all industries. That includes the wedding industry! The wedding business, in general, has been hit with shortened staff. Because they were out of work for a year and a half, many vendors and DJs had to get other jobs. Now there are not as many available to fit the demand.

Shortages and Delays

With last year’s weddings put on hold, this season is almost two years in one. All wedding clients are very busy, so it will take a little more time than usual to get the job done. Typical turnaround times for wedding videos range anywhere from 11 to 12 weeks under normal circumstances. All jobs have been doubled or tripled, so your content may arrive later than intended.

So if you are waiting on your wedding photos or video, please be patient, your vendors and wedding team. They are, after all, here to help, but they are extra busy nowadays. Give your vendors some time, and they will help you create the wedding album or video of your dreams!


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